"I kill Empire vermin. Their screams are my music, and my bones are my bed. I use their weapons for toothpicks, and their fireballs to shave my beard." Short pause. "Any hard questions?" The voice echoes from the cavernous helm. "Zoltar." You meet a fine specimen of Exile soldier, resplendent in iron plate and steel great helm. 0 stnd 25 You meet a young giant lizard, new to the toil of pulling a wagon. It snaps at you repeatedly, until you have to kick it in the nose. 0 gnrc 14 You meet a relatively tame giant lizard, hooked up in wagon-pulling gear. It watches you listlessly. 0 gnrc 13 She keeps silent, watching you with a half smile. Not much you can do - she's not your prisoner, and she knows it. 0 gnrc 12 She thinks for a moment. She's very calm, as if she doesn't believe you'd hurt her. "It's west of your Fort Remote. We have three forts there. Three mighty forts. Better than anything you have, that's for sure." 0 sout@quad 12 She looks you over. "You aren't my usual questioners. I was telling them about the southwest quadrant. That's where you got me." "I am Lieutenant Agate, of the army of the Empire." She watches you nervously, wondering what you're going to do to her. A very young, quite muscular woman in rough, prisoners garb sits on her crude bedding. 0 stnd 12 This bold soldier of Exile gracelessly rests face first on the table. An empty mug is on its side next to him. You decide to leave him alone. 0 gnrc 11 1 He accepts the coin gratefully. "Thank you, m'lord! Thank you, thank you, thank you." He is amazed to meet someone with less money than him. 10 give@coin 10 "All the richer folks has been heading east for safer places. Only the troopers is around here now. And some shopkeepers, and me." He holds out the bowl, hoping for a coin. 0 safe@land 10 "Not all of us have have had the fortune to be able to head for safer lands, m'lord. So if you would give me a coin, I would much appreciate it." "Keith, m'lord." A beggar approaches you. He holds a begging bowl out in front of him. 0 stnd 10 140 adve@miss 9 "The plans you have given us were highly informative. We are now looking for ways to deal with the horrible monstrosities the Empire is creating. It is a difficult problem, but a solvable one." "We have recently been attacked by bands of giants. Not normal giants, but mutated giants, misshapen, stronger, and deadly. The Empire is creating them. That is why I am looking for some adventurers to undertake a mission for me." 7 1 prob 9 She indicates the lack of papers on her desk. "One contingent of troops just headed out. The new one hasn't arrived yet. Things are, for the moment, calm. In this business, you learn to stop and take a breath when you can." 0 enjo@peac 9 "At the moment? Enjoying a few minutes peace. And thinking about a few of our problems." "I am Mayor Radner. What can I do for you, adventurers." The mayor is sitting behind her desk, fingering her sash of office. She is not much older than you, and has a calm, organized demeanor. There are very few papers on the top of her desk. 0 stnd 9 "Exile's westernmost fort. It's a way to the southwest. Bunch of Empire forts and stuff beyond there. We send them troops and supplies. It got destroyed a few years, back, but it's rebuilt now, and strong." 0 fort@remo 8 "Where have you been, man? The main front, off to the north. All the troops and supplies that head up there pass through here, and let me tell you, that's a lot of work!" 0 fron 8 "Yeah, we got a talkative prisoner in one of the cells. Try not to pester her. She's in for a long day of questioning tomorrow." 0 pris 8 "Do you have a reason to waste my time?" 0 ever@hand 8 "Well, my job is pretty much everything. I handle the prisoners. I send troops to the front and Fort Remote. I hold people's hands. I never sleep. I deal with confused adventurers. I do everything." "I am Captain Ebbeth. State your business quickly." The captain of this garrison takes a moment out from his incessant chattering of orders to turn and speak with you. 0 stnd 8 He grins nastily. "So that the next nosy trespassers I get don't survive to reach me." 0 defe 7 "There. That is what I am trying to find, and I've had no luck. Now leave me in peace, so I can restore my defenses." "The mightiest dragon in these caves. He lives in the tunnels to the west of Fort Remote, but our spies say that he has been subdued by the Empire forces. I am trying to tell if the onyx scepter is still in his lair or if the Empire has moved it." 0 drag@sulf 7 "It's a very powerful artifact, which was lost some years back. It was given to the dragon Sulfras." 0 onyx@scep 7 He starts to get angry at your impertinence, but then calms down. "I might as well say. I'm scrying to find the onyx scepter." 0 know@seek 7 "Yes. And if you weren't Exile soldiers, you'd be dead already. Now why have you interrupted my knowledge seeking?" 0 priv 7 "Trying to protect my privacy." He watches you carefully, seemingly watching for some move which would give him an excuse to blast you. "I'm Starcap. What are you doing here?" You meet a burly, graying mage, who is looking very irritated at your intrusion on his privacy. 0 stnd 7 "" 139 pack@medi 6 "The medicine helped, and he'll probably get better. Without the medicine, he'd probably be dead by now. But there's still a ways to go before he's all better." She smiles. "Still, thank you so much for your help!" "He's been infected with some sort of cave disease, some weird fungus infection that's eating him up. There was a medicine to treat it being sent here, but the package was lost." 8 1 dani@sick 6 "Yes. The medicine helped, but it's working very slowly, and caring for Daniel keeps me up all hours. I'm very tired. But I think he'll be OK, and that's what's important." "A rare one. Graymold doesn't work. A cure disease spell barely helped. There is a package of medicine coming, but, well, I'm not sure we'll get it." 8 1 cave@dise 6 "Oh, I'm so worried, I don't mind telling you. My boy, Daniel is very sick. Some cave disease." "I am Malka, and this is Daniel," she says, indicating her son. A small, pregnant woman with black, curly hair sits in the corner. She holds another child, a small boy. His face is flecked with red, and he looks very ill. 0 stnd 6 6 Messner serves up, with a flourish, several thick, juicy lizard steaks, with fried mushrooms. It is, as advertised, delicious. "Slow business or no, a meal is still 6 gold." 10 purc@meal 5 49 58 "Slow business or no, a room is still 15 gold." 3 room 5 "The largest, most comfortable inn in Exile. My pride and joy. But things have been very, very slow." 0 dhar@arms 5 "No, these are not good times for the Dharmon Arms." "It's the war. Nobody wants to stay here when they're afraid the next day the Empire might take the city. A few merchants come, but they drop off their stuff and go. No staying and partying like they always did before." 0 slow@vaca 5 "I run the Dharmon Arms, and believe me, we got plenty of vacancies. Things've been real slow. But we have the nicest rooms in Exile, only fifteen gold, and the best meals, sizzling lizard steaks, only six gold. Let me know if you want a meal or a room." "I'm Messner. How can I help ya'?" The innkeeper looks very depressed, a depression only mildly alleviated by seeing you. 0 stnd 5 52 50 Gunther's 'Goods' 12 purc 4 "You know! You Exile guys smart, right? Goods for getting things you want. What other kind? You gotta' cash ta' buy, I gotta' goods!" 0 usef@good 4 He shakes his head. "A lotta' the others died. Bad for business. Very slow. Thass' why I came here. The Empire has little likes with us." 0 abyss 4 "I bring useful goods from the Abyss." He gives you a toothless grin. "I'm Gunther. Welcome to my humble shop." You meet a sleazy, sleazy man. Dirty brown stubble protrudes from his pasty flesh, as his greasy look drifts over you. 0 stnd 4 "" 20 heal 3 28 21 Sarah's Spells 15 purc@trai 3 "I can cast many powerful spells. What is more, for a donation, I will teach them to those who support us. If you ever wish to purchase my teaching, let me know." 0 magi 3 "That is my purpose. I help by leadership, by prayers, by kind words, and, when need be, through my magic." 0 supp@stre 3 "To the north is the front. These soldiers are the cork, that prevents the Empire from springing from their caves into the Great Caves, and then into Exile. I walk among them, to watch them, and give them my support, to lend them strength." 0 sold 3 "The Temple of the Crossed Blades, mightiest temple in Exile." 0 temp 3 Her voice comes from deep within the hood, strong and sad. "I am walking away from the temple today, to see the soldiers." The eyes look you over. "I am mother Sarah, keeper of the Temple of Crossed Blades and friend to all honorable warriors." The woman inside these robes is almost totally obscured. All you see of her are her eyes, and that's all you really need to see. You've held many knives, but none of them have been as sharp as the gaze she levels upon you. 0 stnd 3 10 9 Largo's Recipes 16 reci@bloo 2 "Rare, wondrous blooms! Hard to find, but only matched by graymold in their healing properties. And, since you seem wise folks, I will sell you two of my recipes using these blooms, if you wish." 0 embe@flow 2 "I have been able to do years of meaningful research on ember flowers alone!" "Oh, yes indeed! Exile is an unpleasant place, but an inherently magical one! Every plant down here has been magically shaped in some way in order to enable it to survive! The result is flora of unusual alchemical power." 0 alch 2 27 24 Largo's Potions 12 purc@poti 2 "You can buy potions from me. But that is a sideline. I am, at heart, an alchemist." He raises his hand to his blue-speckled cheek self-consciously. "I am Largo the alchemist. Welcome." This man's skin seems permanently mottled by a life working with all manner of acidic and unpleasant dyes and chemicals. His hands are covered with green and black spots, which are slowly creeping up his arms. 0 stnd 2 "We'd rather use our own goods than blades stolen from the corpses of our foemen. But we can't. It's just that simple." 0 pick@prid 1 "I buy all the stuff I can, fix it up, and pass it on to the army. We ain't picky. Sometimes, we can't afford pride." "Up north, there's been vicious fighting, back and forth, for months. Nasty, draining fighting. Our best supplies have come from the fallen foe - fine metalwork brought down from the surface." 0 fron@loot 1 "" 13 sell 1 69 65 Rippel's Armory 5 purc 1 "I do a brisk business here. You can buy armor, and sell me anything you have. Thanks to the front, we take all the loot we can get." "I am Rippel. Welcome to my shop." Even by Exile standards, the woman behind the counter is pale. Her skin is a pure, unblemished ivory. It almost seems to shine brighter than the polished shields on the counter in front of her. 0 stnd 1 116 111 Julie the Fletcher 7 purc@arro 0 "And now, when our people need arms more than anything, I am honored and proud to be able to help." "I came with my parents into Exile when I was six. Since then, I've always been fascinated by archery - the elegant curves the iron-tipped shafts make as they pass through the air, the satisfaction of an arrow sent true." 0 litt@arch 0 She grins. "I do what I've done since I was little - archery. You can purchase my work. It's modest, I admit, but it'll do the job." "Julie. Julie the fletcher." There is a surprisingly young woman sitting behind the counter - only in her late twenties. She is salvaging feathers from Empire arrows to place on shafts of her own. 0 stnd 0 "I can't say much more about that." 70 6 A small sign says, simply: Mayor Radner This large wooden sign says: City Hall Barracks of Dharmon Marble plaque: DHARMON ARMS A small sign by the door: Storage Bay #3 Keep out! A small sign by the door: Storage Bay #2 Keep out! A small sign by the door: Storage Bay #1 Keep out! This massive bronze plaque says: TEMPLE OF THE CROSSED BLADES All supplicants are welcome. The sign reads: Rippel's Armory The sign reads: Julie the Fletcher Some words on this sign have been painted over, and the words "Gone east!" are written underneath. Stone sign embedded in the wall: Largo - Sage and Alchemist Dharmon